



TCADIEEE Transactions on COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN of Integrated Circuits and Systems计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
TOSACM Transactions on Storage计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory计算机科学理论


SCInternational Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
USENIX ATCUSENIX Annul Technical Conference计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
PPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel Programming计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
ASEInternational Conference on Automated Software Engineering软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言

IEEE Virtual Reality计算机图形学与多媒体
CAVComputer Aided Verification计算机科学理论
CSCWACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing人机交互与普适计算
NIPSAnnual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems人工智能
ACLAnnual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics人工智能
WWWInternational World Wide Web Conferences交叉/综合/新兴


JSAJournal of Systems Architecture计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统

IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems人机交互与普适计算
IJHCIInternational Journal of Human-Computer Interaction人机交互与普适计算
AAMASAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems人工智能

World Wide Web Journal交叉/综合/新兴


CODES+ISSSACM/IEEE Conf. Hardware/Software Co-design and System Synthesis计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
ITCInternational Test Conference计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
SOCCACM Symposium on Cloud Computing计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
ESEMACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言
WSDMACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SP计算机图形学与多媒体

European Symposium on Algorithms计算机科学理论
HSCCInternational Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control计算机科学理论
PerComIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications人机交互与普适计算
GROUPACM Conference on Supporting Group Work人机交互与普适计算
PPSNParallel Problem Solving from Nature人工智能


ISPASym. on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
SYSTORACM SIGOPS International Systems and Storage Conference计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
ATSIEEE Asian Test Symposium计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
RTSReal-Time Systems计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统
MSRWorking Conference on Mining Software Repositories软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言

Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言
WICSAWorking IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言
EASEEvaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言
WASAInternational Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications计算机网络

Passive and Active Measurement Conference网络与信息安全

Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium网络与信息安全

International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime网络与信息安全
INTERSPEECHConference of the International Speech Communication Association计算机图形学与多媒体

ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology计算机图形学与多媒体

International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing计算机科学理论
DISACM Conference on Designing Interactive  Systems人机交互与普适计算

IEEE World Haptics Conference人机交互与普适计算
CSCWDInternational Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design人机交互与普适计算

CollaborateCom International Conference on Collaborative Computing人机交互与普适计算

IEEE\RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)人工智能
AISTATSArtificial Intelligence and Statistics人工智能
ACMLAsian Conf. on Machine Learning人工智能

IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing交叉/综合/新兴